NEWSLETTER – June 2023

THEMES Our learning over the next few weeks will be recycling and the environment plus Father’s Day and dinosaurs, volcanos and experiments

Welcome back after half term everybody! I hope you had a lovely break. We now have just seven weeks before the six weeks holidays and we have some important dates for your diaries.

Jungle Jo – to tie in with our animal topic we have arranged for Jungle Jo to bring in some exotic animals on Wednesday 12th July. We have worked with Jungle Jo before and she really engages the children so I’m sure everyone will not only learn a lot but enjoy holding the animals as well. If your child does not normally attend this session then they are welcome to join us for the morning. Normal session cost applies.

End of year party Our summer party morning will be held on Wednesday 19th July. There will be fun, games, music and dancing and party food provided by St. Edmunds Preschool. More details will follow in the July newsletter but if you would like your child to attend the party please email Kath and let her know. Normal session cost applies.

Term Dates

Friday 21st July – Inset Day

Monday 24th July – Friday 1st September – Summer Holidays Monday 4th September – Inset Day

Tuesday 5th September – Preschool reopens

School leavers This year we have twelve children leaving us for big school. Therefore, on Wednesday 19th July (the same day as our summer party) we would like to invite the parents and carers of our school leavers into the setting for a stay and play. This will be from 2.00pm – 3.15pm. An email will be sent out with further details for parents of school leavers but it would be lovely if you could join us on this date. To celebrate our school leavers moving to their new school we hope parents and carers of all children who attend a Wednesday afternoon session will join us in a clap out for the children which I will send further details of nearer the time.

New Website Our new website is in its final stages of tweaking. We can’t wait to share it with you all. We will let you know as soon as it goes live so when it does please head over and have a look. Thank you to all the parents who submitted testimonials for our websites. Your kind words really mean a lot to the whole team.

Clothes Please can you ensure your child’s clothes are labelled, especially items they may take off such as jumpers/hats etc. Although staff will always do their best to return the item of clothing to the right child sometimes belongings get mixed up. If the item is named it makes it much easier for us to return it to the right child.

Book bags Please ensure your child brings their bookbag to every session. Staff are now changing books every two weeks but if your child does not bring their book bag on the day their keyworker is changing books then it might be another two weeks before it is changed again. By having bookbags at every session it makes it easier to change library books and put pictures letters in etc.

September Sessions If you haven’t let Kath know already please could you confirm what sessions you would like for your child in September. If you would like to add or change your days the more notice that we have the more able we will be to accommodate your requests.

Sun cream and hats – Now that the weather is getting warmer please ensure you apply sun cream to your child before every session and they have a named sun hat with them. Although the weather may appear cloudy in the morning we do spend a lot of time outdoors therefore sun cream is a necessity. Preschool do NOT supply any sun cream due to potential allergic reactions so we will not be able to offer any sun cream if your child doesn’t have any on. Please also supply a named bottle of sun cream in your child’s bag so that staff can reapply if your child stays all day.

School leavers – Parents of school leavers please be reassured that this term can be tricky for school leavers as they prepare to leave us for big school. It is completely normal for your child to regress at this time and there may be a reluctance to come to preschool. Preschool staff see this year after year and keeping the

routine of coming to preschool is the best approach you can take. If you would like to talk to your child’s keyworker about this or any other concerns ahead of the transition to school then please let us know.


WATER BOTTLES Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled water bottle for preschool. With so many children with similar bottles it is impossible to keep track of who owns which bottle.

ALLERGIES – Please inform us via a letter of any known allergies not included on the application form. Please note we have a NO NUTS policy and NO food containing nuts should be brought into the setting.

POTTY TRAININGClothes with elasticated waists and easily removable to encourage independence and confidence. Please can all children have plenty of spare clothes in case of toilet accidents. If parents do have any spare clothes that they can donate to preschool for us to use in case of emergencies that would be greatly appreciated!

TALKING TO STAFF – If you need to talk to a member of staff during drop off, please could you wait until we have all the children in the setting and then a staff member will be available. This ensures the children are safely in the building and staff are deployed effectively.

PASSWORDS – If someone new will be collecting your child from preschool please inform staff of this and ensure that both staff and the person collecting your child has a password, so we know who they are.

BOOKBAGS – Please bring to every session

NAMING BELONGINGS – Please ensure you clearly name ALL of your child’s belongings (water bottle, coats, hoodies, jumpers etc) to avoid any confusion, especially when your child is being collected by a friend or family member.

POLICIES – Our policies are accessible for you to read. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to do so.


St Edmund's Church Hall
DE22 2FN


07934 380561



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